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Solid implementation of major policy measures

Apr. 22, 2019

In the latest report, the IMF raised its forecast for China's economic growth this year. The forecast for China's economic growth this year has been raised from 6.2% to 6.3%. Some international investment banks have also raised their expectations for China's economic growth.

Cheng Shi said that the timely and open "open door" is expected to bring three major changes to the Chinese economy. First, based on the "wealth effect" of the stock market boom since the beginning of 2019, the future consumer demand is expected to moderately warm up and become a new boost to "stable growth." Second, local inflationary pressures are gradually showing up. The CPI year-on-year growth rate is expected to show a “rise-down-stable” fluctuation in the last three quarters. The year-on-year growth rate of PPI is expected to go out of the bottom and rebound slightly, and accelerate the bottoming of corporate profits. Third, based on the ambiguous stance of global recovery and the relative advantages of China's economic fundamentals, the central bank's monetary policy is expected to further optimize the policy rhythm while maintaining the “steady growth” direction, balancing the short-term growth and long-term reform.

The Guojun macro flower Changchun team expects that the current wide credit force will be faster than expected, and the economic growth rate will also stabilize. It is expected that the central bank will not need to cut interest rates during the year.

Looking forward to the future economic operation, Mao Shengyong said that the positive factors of economic operation are gradually increasing, and the market is expected to improve significantly. In the next step, many policies will be implemented and effective, and the foundation for smooth economic operation will be consolidated.

He pointed out that there are more favorable conditions for supporting the smooth operation of the industry. A series of policies to reduce the manufacturing value-added tax rate and reduce the rate of social insurance premiums, such as the rate of corporate social insurance, have been implemented, reducing the burden on enterprises, and helping enterprises to expand investment and increase production. The role of financial services in the real economy is increasing, and the sound monetary policy is flexible and moderate.

However, he stressed that we must also see that the downward pressure on the economy still exists. From the outside, there are still more uncertainties. Internally, there are still many structural contradictions, and the economic operation is under pressure, especially the real economy. Faced with some contradictions and difficulties such as rising costs and falling profitability.

Mao Shengyong also mentioned that in terms of consumption, many potentials have not been fully released, the consumption environment needs to be further improved, and the quality supply in the field of consumption upgrading needs to be further improved. From these perspectives, there is still much room for the release of consumption potential, especially for residents' consumption potential.

In response to changes in the steady growth of the policy, Mao Shengyong said that policies have been introduced one after another. The most important thing is that all regions and departments must fully implement the major policies and measures issued by the Party Central Committee and the State Council in a down-to-earth manner. The implementation of these efforts will make these policies effective and promote the smooth and healthy operation of the Chinese economy and continue to move toward high-quality development.

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